[CANCELED] Open Educational Resources 101

When: Feb 12 – March 24 2024 (6 weeks)

Where: Online, asynchronous (see more info)

Cost: $275 (10% discount if you register 2 weeks in advance!)

CE Credit: 2.0 CEUs / 20 LEUs

Program: 310524

Registration is currently closed.

Payment and Cancellation Policy

Questions? Email the CE Team

Open Educational Resources (OER) are an ever-increasing area of practice for librarians. The OER and broader Open Access movements are gaining momentum as a tool to save students money, provide greater access, and reflect diversity, equity, and inclusion. This course will provide an introduction to what OERs are, the Open Access Movement, and allow students to gain skills in evaluating and searching for resources. 

In this course you will learn how to

  1. Define “Open Educational Resources” and related terms
  2. Identify ways OER can benefit stakeholder groups at institutions
  3. Apply search strategies to find existing OER
  4. Create an OER outreach plan


Photo of Rachel BeckerRachel Becker is the Copyright & Open Educational Resources Librarian at Madison College Libraries in Madison, WI. After working in many types of libraries, she graduated from the UW-Madison iSchool in 2015. Since then Rachel has enjoyed assisting students at many different types of academic institutions including small and large universities and, most recently, Madison College. Her commitment to connecting the college community with affordable learning resources motivates her every day. When not at work, Rachel likes to visit her horse, Brego, play with her kitties, and binge watch tv.