Tutorial: Community Centered Planning: Using Data To Create An Action Plan

When: Start the day you register.

Cost: $200.00

CE Credit: 3.5 CEUs/35 LEUs

Program: #307924


Payment and Cancellation Policy

Questions? Email the CE Team

Whether you’re creating a new library program, revising the services offered at your library, reinventing staff organizational structure, or writing your library’s strategic plan, you benefit from a concise data-driven plan that explains your vision. This practical series of three tutorials allows you to move at your own pace through the planning process with an emphasis on qualitative data, quantitative data, and the elements of a one-page plan. You will have access to the tutorials for one year after registration.

This is a self-paced course that will be available for access as soon as you register. You have up to one year from your registration date to complete the course.

You will automatically receive instructions for setting up your account after you register. Once your login information is set up, please access the course at http://canvas.wisc.edu.

A Three-Part Series

Tutorial 1 – Quantitative Data: Community And Library Data

This tutorial includes an overview of quantitative and qualitative data, and sources for existing quantitative data. Participants will learn how to find community information from the US Census, Institute of Museum and Library Services, and state libraries. They will then use that information to create a data visualization utilizing Canva.

Topics & Tasks

  • Intro to data sources: why is data important?
  • Community data sources: Census 2020
  • Library data sources: IMLS Public Libraries Survey data
  • Data visualization: Using Canva for data viz

Tutorial 2 – Qualitative Data: Engage Your Community

This tutorial includes an overview of community-engaged qualitative data collection. Participants will use aspects of the American Library Association’s Libraries Transforming Communities toolkit and learn different conversation models to collect community input. They will then learn about theming and trends to inform library action.

Topics & Tasks

  • Engagement vs outreach vs programming
  • American Library Association’s Libraries Transforming Communities toolkit
  • Asking quick questions
  • Harwood’s Community Conversations
  • Theming and applying your results

Tutorial 3 – Creating A One-Page Plan

This tutorial blends qualitative and quantitative data points to help re-envision one aspect of your library’s services or programs. Participants will create a one-page plan utilizing Canva to communicate that data-driven vision.

Topics & Tasks

  • Data synopsis
  • Vision, mission, goals, and objectives
  • Write your draft one-page plan
  • Communicating the final one-page plan

Course Designer

Cindy Fesemyer is the founder of Fesemyer Consulting, LLC. Formerly the community and adult services library consultant with the Wisconsin State Library, Cindy is a trustee for the Madison Public Library and has been the library director of the Columbus (WI) Public Library.

Amber Williams has worked in public libraries for more than a decade in Washington. Her community engagement work earned her recognition from Library Journal as a 2019 Mover & Shaker. To help keep a broad view of library work she currently serves as an American Library Association Council member-at-large and is a past Washington Library Association chair of the Public Library Division.