Catherine Arnott Smith
Position title: Professor
Phone: (608) 890-1334
4230 Helen C. White Hall
600 N Park St, Madison, WI 53706
AMLS (Library Science), University of Michigan, 1992
M.A. (American History/Administration of Archives), University of Michigan, 1992
MS (Information Science/Medical Informatics), University of Pittsburgh, 2000
PhD (Library & Information Science/Medical Informatics), University of Pittsburgh, 2002
Research Interests
Research fields – Consumer health informatics, History of medicine (American Progressive Era)
Methods and methodologies – Interviews, focus groups; Qualitative analysis; content analysis; Propositional analysis; Knowledge representation and taxonomy development
Theories – Personal Health Information Management (PHIM; biomedical engineering)
Areas of interest – Clinical information systems, particularly consumer- and patient-facing tools such as patient portals; Consumer health vocabulary; Personal health information management by college students living with disabilities; Health information provision in public libraries, archives and other nonclinical spaces
Classes Taught
LIS 517 Digital Health
LIS 602 Information organization & search
LIS 640 Power searching
LIS 655 Collection management
Recent Publications
Keselman, A., Smith, C.A., Wilson, A.J., Leroy, G., & Kaufman, D.R. (2023). Cognitive and cultural factors that affect general vaccination and COVID-19 vaccination attitudes. Vaccines, 11, 94.
Smith, C.A., & Kelly, M.M. (2022). In anticipation of sharing pediatric inpatient notes: Focus group study with stakeholders. Journal of Participatory Medicine, 14(1):e37759. DOI: 10.2196/37759
Keselman, A., Smith, C.A., & Wilson, A.J. (Eds.) (2022). Combating online health misinformation [Medical Library Association Books]. Rowman & Littlefield.
A. Keselman, Smith, C.A., Kaufman, D.R., & G. Leroy. (2021). Science education as a barrier against “fake health news”. In Zeyer, A., & Kyburz-Graber, R. (Eds.) Science|Environment|Health – towards a new pedagogy of complex living systems (2nd ed.) Dordrecht: Springer.
C. A. Smith & A. Keselman. (2020). Consumer health informatics: Enabling digital health for everyone. Chapman & Hall/CRC Healthcare Informatics Series. CRC Press.