Covid-19 resources for Graduate Students

iSchool Resources & Services

The Faculty and Staff at the iSchool know that this is a difficult time for many of you. We’re here to support you.

iSchool Library Teatimes
Connect and catch up with your fellow students via google meetings on Mondays, from 1:30 to 3:30 central time and Thursdays from 11 to 1 PM  central time. See your calendar invite from the Library.

Student Services Support
Connect with Tanya Hendricks Cobb, Student & Alumni Services Coordinator, to talk about careers, school/life balance, and resources on campus, or to just say hi!  Students and recent grads are welcome to schedule individual appointments on her calendar.

Career Support Group
Join your fellow students on the job market & Tanya each Tuesday from Noon to  1 PM  central time.  The purpose of this group will be to offer support to students  and to provide tips and resources during this challenging time.  Meet up via  Tanya’s Google Meetings account.  

UW-Madison & Community Resources

The resources listed below come from multiple places including the UW-Madison COVID-19 Graduate Student Page.

Enrollment Deadlines/Grading Options
For questions about  your specific situation and grading options for spring 2020 semester, please reach out to your course instructors and your academic advisors.


Find a foodbank in your area:

Madison Campus Area:
The Open Seat food pantry will distribute boxes using an online request form. Boxes can be picked up at Union South beginning March 24.

Financial Resources

Financial Assistance: The Office of Financial Aid is offering emergency gratns for students impacted:

Crisis Loan through Dean of Students:

The Extension Office has compiled a list of resources for managing financial difficulties during the COVID-19 pandemic:

For those students who need additional assistance, please email iSchool Director, Sunny Kim at

Medical & Mental Health Resources for On-Campus Students

University Health Services (UHS) services are still available by phone and online

Medical Services continues to conduct phone calls to discuss health concerns, including concerns about sexually transmitted infections, telehealth contraception, and emergency appointments related to sexual assault, or to make arrangements for care if needed. Call 608-265-5600 to speak with a provider.

*If you are sick, stay home until you are symptom free for 72 hours. If you need medical attention, contact UHS or another health care provider before going to a health care facility. For more information, visit

Mental Health Services is still available during reduced campus operations. Most mental health appointments are being conducted remotely – over phone or video. Call 608-265-5600 and choose option 2 to speak with a counselor or make an appointment.

Crisis line, SilverCloud available 24/7

The UHS mental health crisis line (608-265-5600, choose option 9) and SilverCloud remain available 24/7. SilverCloud is an online, self-guided resource designed to help students manage day-to-day stresses and improve resilience. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention also has information about Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty.

Medical & Mental Health Resources for Online Students

iSchool online students who are not covered by UHS are encouraged to call their local health insurance or their primary care provider for a referral to a mental health provider.

Online students can utilize the UHS crisis line (608-265-5600, choose option 9) and SilverCloud 24/7 if they need immediate support. SilverCloud is an online, self-guided resource designed to help students manage day-to-day stresses and improve resilience. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention also has information about Taking Care of Your Mental Health in the Face of Uncertainty.

Additional mental health resources, available to all:

The Dean of Students provides assistance to students facing a variety of issues, and will empower students to manage their academic, personal, and fiscal responsibilities, and will help students connect to mental health providers if needed. See additional information about services provided to graduate students, at the bottom of this page.

The UW Healthy Minds Center is now offering their Healthy Minds App for Free:

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Health) has published an extensive COVID-19 Resource and Information Guide.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:

  • 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
  • National Suicide Prevention website with chat option
  • Supporting your emotional well-being during the covid-19 outbreak.

Crisis Text Line is helpful for panic attacks and other emotionally intense moments. Text HOME to 741741; a bot will provide you with their terms of service and put you on a waitlist to text with a real person. Wait times may be long due to current anxiety/panic about COVID-19.

SAMHSA Disaster Distress Hotline: Call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 to connect with a trained crisis counselor. Dedicated to providing immediate crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster. This toll-free, multilingual, and confidential crisis support service is available to all residents in the United States and its territories.

Additional Resources

Drop in virtual meetings with Elaine Goetz-Berman, Graduate and Professional Student Assistance Specialist:

Dear Graduate and Professional Students,

I hope you all are staying healthy and well during this unprecedented time. For those who don’t know me, my name is Elaine Goetz-Berman and I work in the Dean of Students Office, particularly with graduate and professional student support and assistance. In my role, I am here to help you get connected to campus resources, discuss any issues you might be facing, and generally be a support person for you as you navigate your time as a student at UW-Madison.

Starting this Wednesday (April 15), I will be hosting virtual drop-in hours for graduate and professional students. I will be available every Wednesday from 2pm-4pm to meet with students individually to discuss their concerns and how I might be able to help assist during this difficult time.

To join, please visit my personal room in WebEx anytime between 2-4pm on Wednesdays. I will be meeting with students one-on-one based off of when you enter the meeting. When you enter the Personal Room, you will be placed in the lobby until I am available to talk. If you face any technical issues joining my Personal Room, please send me an email at

If you are unable to make it to the drop-in hours, please feel free to email me or call at 608-890-2837 to schedule a time that works best with you.  

