The rules for double degrees are governed by the University of Wisconsin Graduate School.
According to 2014 rules, in completing a double degree, students may “double count” 25% of the total credits from the smaller of the two programs they seek to complete. The iSchool requires 36-39 credits; many other programs require 30. Under these conditions, students could double count up to 8 credits for completion of both degrees for a total of 64 credits. For requirements specific to particular programs, see below:
Information School/Law Library Double Degree
Purpose Of Program
The field of law librarianship and specialized legal research is growing at a rapid pace. The number of law firm and corporate placements for lawyer-librarians is increasing, and many law schools now have a number of dual-degree law librarians who teach legal research and writing, teach computer-assisted legal research, and perform specialized reference work. The purpose of the combined program is to provide students the knowledge and skills necessary to practice librarianship and to provide information services in the legal arena, at a highly professional level in a diverse, technological and global society.
Students completing the double degree program would earn both degrees.
Basic Program Requirements
- Students would need to apply for, and be accepted to, both programs separately.
- Students must be enrolled as a Law student to gain access to Law courses and in the iSchool to gain access to iSchool courses
- Students would complete both degrees fairly independently from one another.
- Each home department would provide advising related to its program requirements and content areas.
- A few classes would be required to fulfill the double degree
- Students may begin either program first.
Program Requirements
- A student who has satisfactorily completed the first year’s work in law school and is enrolled in the joint Law School-Information School Program for Law Librarianship may apply nine credits of relevant graduate-level iSchool courses toward the J.D. degree, provided that the student receives a grade of B or better in each such course;
- The M.A. in Library and Information Studies degree may be started before or after the student’s admission to law school, but only those iSchool credits earned within a two-year period preceding the date of admission to law school and earned within six years prior to the date of the J.D. degree may be counted toward satisfaction of the J.D. degree requirements, and the student must be simultaneously enrolled in courses in both the Law School and the Information School for at least some portion of that six-year period.
Required Coursework
Students completing the Law/iSchool double degree should complete their LIS 620 or an LIS 999 (3 credits) at an approved law-related placement (UW Law Library, State Law Library, Law Firm information center.)
Recommended iSchool courses for Law Librarianship Double Degree Students:
- Law Librarianship (via WISE consortium)
- LIS 755 Electronic Resources Management & Licensing
- LIS 661 Information Ethics and Policy
- LIS 663 Introduction to Cyberlaw
- LIS 732 Strategic Information Services
- LIS 645 Intellectual Freedom
- LIS 653 Government Information
- LIS 772 College and University Libraries
Information School/Art History Double Degree
Purpose Of Program
The purpose of the iSchool Art History double degree would be to prepare students to work as art/visual resources librarians or visual resource managers, particularly for positions that require a stronger art background than a prior art BA allows. Graduating students might be employed in educational, cultural heritage, or commercial environments working with both physical and digital materials. Examples might include: art librarian at an academic institution, librarian or visual resource manager at a museum, or image manager for a publisher.
Students completing the double degree program would earn both degrees.
Basic Program Requirements
- Students would need to apply for, and be accepted to, both programs separately.
- Students must be enrolled as an Art History student to gain access to AH courses and in the iSchool to gain access to iSchool courses
- Students would complete both degrees fairly independently from one another.
- Each home department would provide advising related to its program requirements and content areas.
- A few classes would be required to fulfill the double degree
- Students may begin either program first.
Credit Hour Requirements
- Students would need to complete 64 total credits to earn the double degree.
- 8 credits of course work could count toward both degrees (UW Graduate School 25% rule)
Required Coursework
The double degree includes two required courses:
- LIS 855 Art Librarianship (3 credits) Note: if Art Librarianship is not offered during your time at the iSchool, you must take your LIS 620 or an LIS 999 (3 credits) at an approved art-related placement (Kohler Art Library, Madison Museum of Contemporary Art, Chazen Museum of Art, etc.)
- AH 701 (3 credits) Practicum: Bibliography, Historiography, Methods
Recommended iSchool courses for Art Librarianship Double Degree Students:
- LIS 670 History of the Book and Print Culture in Europe and the Americas;
- LIS 879 Digital Libraries;
- LIS 853 Metadata Standards and Applications;
- LIS 668 Digital Curation;
- LIS 678 Preservation and Conservation;
- LIS 734 Introduction to Archives;
- LIS 839 Special Collections
- LIS 755 Electronic Resources Management & Licensing
Information School/Music Double Degree
Purpose Of Program
The iSchool Music double degree prepares students to work as music librarians or music digital resource managers, particularly for positions that require a stronger scholarly music background than a BA in music. Graduating students might be employed in educational, cultural heritage, or commercial environments working with both physical and digital materials. Examples might include: music librarian at an academic institution, librarian or audio resource manager at a museum, or digital audio asset manager for a commercial organization.
Students completing the double degree program would earn both degrees.
Basic Program Requirements
- Students would need to apply for, and be accepted to, both programs separately.
- Students must be enrolled as a Music student to gain access to Music courses and in the iSchool to gain access to iSchool courses
- Students would complete both degrees fairly independently from one another.
- Each home department would provide advising related to its program requirements and content areas.
- A few classes would be required to fulfill the double degree
- Students may begin either program first.
While fulfilling the requirements for each degree, students must take the following courses:
- LIS or MUS 619: Music Research Methods and Materials
- LIS 620: Field Project in Library and Information Agencies at Mills Music Library or other music or music-related library
Credit Hour Requirements
- Minimum credit hours for a Music degree vary by specific program, but students may count at least 8 credits toward both degrees, requiring at least 64 total credits to earn the double degree.
- Some School of Music degrees require French or German at the intermediate level.
Recommended iSchool courses for Music Librarianship Double Degree Students:
- LIS 879 Digital Libraries
- LIS 853 Metadata Standards and Applications
- LIS 751 Database Design and Management
- LIS 668 Digital Curation
- LIS 652 XML and Linked Data
- LIS 678 Preservation and Conservation
- LIS 734 Introduction to Archives
- LIS 839 Special Collections
- LIS 755 Electronic Resources Management & Licensing