
The master’s degree in LIS prepares graduates to practice librarianship in a variety of settings. Students can pursue an emphasis within librarianship to gain expertise specific to certain types of libraries. Most iSchool students combine coursework from two or more emphases and across concentrations. Work experience and extra-curricular activities help develop desired emphases.

Public Librarianship

The iSchool has a proud tradition of producing public library managers. The public library emphasis prepares students to lead small public organizations, develop and nurture community partnerships, assess and deliver patron information needs, and advocate for information access, information services and literacies in their communities.


Children’s And Youth Services

The UW-Madison iSchool is top ranked in services for children and youth by US News and World Report. The emphasis is for students who are interested in working with children and teens in public libraries and also K-12 school libraries. Our program consists of dedicated faculty and staff with expertise in children’s and young adult literature, emergent literacy, children and digital media, and school librarianship. See also Public Libraries and School Library Media Certification.


College and Research Libraries