Babies in the Library

When: March 18 – April 28 2024 (6 weeks)

Where: Online, asynchronous (see more info)

Cost: $275 (10% discount if you register 2 weeks in advance!)

CE Credit: 2.0 CEUs / 20 LEUs

Program: 310424


Payment and Cancellation Policy

Questions? Email the CE Team

Library service to patrons begins at birth. How can library practitioners offer the best programs, collections, and services possible to the youngest members of our communities (0-23 months)? After laying the groundwork for developmentally appropriate practice, this course will provide strategies and ideas for providing outstanding services to families with young children. Whether you are new to the profession, considering starting a baby storytime, searching for outreach partners, or looking to refresh your collection, this course will build a foundation for working with the very young.


  • Child development for children ages 0-23 months
  • Best practices for serving children ages 0-23 months
  • Building collections
  • Program planning, storytime and beyond
  • Outreach & partnerships
  • Play spaces

What are people saying…

I really appreciate this course and all of this new knowledge and resources will directly affect my programming and way of thinking about babies in the library.

The lecture material was very helpful in sparking new ideas. 


Headshot of BrookeBrooke Newberry holds a Master’s Degree in Library Science from Indiana University and is the Youth Services Manager at the La Crosse (WI) Public Library. She has served on the 2023 Caldecott Committee, as chair of the Early Childhood Programs and Services Committee for the Association of Library Services to Children (ALSC), and numerous other committees for ALSC.