Introduction to Library Instruction

When: Nov 6 – Dec 17, 2023 (6 weeks)

Cost: $250 (10% discount if you register at least 2 weeks in advance)

CE Credit: 2.0 CEUs/20 LEUs

Program #: 309224


Payment and Cancellation Policy

Questions? Email the CE Team

Are you interested in presenting library instruction sessions or workshops, but unsure where to begin? This course will help you plan and prepare your own presentations, one step at a time. Each week you’ll be introduced to a new topic, such as lesson planning, audience engagement,  assessment, and online learning. Then, you’ll apply this lesson to your library by developing content for an instruction session or workshop of your choice.


  • Determination of session purpose and goals
  • Lesson plan creation and time management
  • Audience engagement and active learning activities
  • Incorporation of technology tools
  • Assessment and reflection


Rachel Becker is the Copyright & Open Educational Resources Librarian at Madison College Libraries in Madison, WI. After working in many types of libraries, she graduated from the UW-Madison iSchool in 2015. Since then Rachel has enjoyed assisting students at many different types of academic institutions including small and large universities and, most recently, Madison College. Her commitment to connecting the college community with affordable learning resources motivates her every day. When not at work, Rachel likes to visit her horse, Brego, play with her kitties, and binge watch tv.

Rachel Carroll is the Reference & Instruction Librarian at Madison College in Madison, WI. Born in California, she moved to Wisconsin to attend Beloit College and has stayed there ever since. She received her MLIS from the UW-Madison iSchool in 2016. Rachel is passionate about the ways that library instruction can improve overall digital literacy, and specializes in online outreach and reference. In her free time she enjoys knitting, reading, and playing with her husband and daughter.