Teens in the Library

When: Feb 5 – March 17 2024  (6 weeks)

Where: Online, asynchronous (see more info)

Cost: $275 (10% off when you register two weeks in advance)

CE Credit: 2.0 CEUs/20 LEUs

Program #: 310724


Payment and Cancellation Policy

Questions? Email the CE Team

You’ve got teens in the library–now what? Or maybe you’d like to have more teens in the library, so how exactly do you do that? This course will help provide library staff with a foundation upon which they can build successful service to teens in their community through programming, attractive space for teens in their library, teen collections, and outreach and community partnerships. Learn to create opportunities for teens to become happy, healthy, and successful adults. Class discussions will address how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected teen services, as well as strategies for success moving forward.


  • Adolescent development
  • Programming for and with teens
  • Creating teen spaces
  • Managing teen spaces and setting staff expectations of service
  • Building and maintaining teen collections
  • Outreach & creating community relationships


Each week learners will be required to review resources, listen to/read lectures and participate in online discussion. There will be a final project for this course that learners could ideally implement immediately in their library. This course is designed for learners who currently work with teens in a library and who would like to work more closely with them and the coursework will reflect this with its practicality, relevance and time requirements.


Linda Jerome is the teen librarian at La Crosse (WI) Public Library and earned her MLIS from UW-Milwaukee in 2010. She has worked with teens for 20+ years and is a passionate advocate for all teens and strives to collaborate within her community to create opportunities for teens to become happy, healthy and successful adults.