Online students’ Bootcamp goes virtual

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, for the safety of our students, UW-Madison and the iSchool have determined that the format of Bootcamp will be changed from in-person to a synchronous, online event, held on the same dates, August 3-6, 2020. Students will be able to login in real time, and participate from the safety of their homes.

We have made this decision with the certainty that given the iSchool’s deep experience in online education, we will be able to achieve the major goals of the Bootcamp in the online format. These goals include:

  • Building a sense of community among students and iSchool faculty and staff;
  • Preparing students to be successful online learners, and
  • Providing students with knowledge of the iSchool and University of Wisconsin environment, so they know how to get help and services.

A detailed schedule for the online Bootcamp will be available in early June.

Questions? Contact Debra Shapiro, Coordinator of the online masters.