When: March 24 – May 18, 2025 (8 weeks)
Where: Online & Asynchronous
Cost: $360 (Register 2 weeks early for 10% off)
CE Credit: 2.6 CEUs/26 LEUs
Program #: 315725
Payment and Cancellation Policy
Questions? Email the CE Team
Library leaders have committed to creating and improving more inclusive environments for our users through programming, collections, and outreach. But are we committed to the same improvements for our workers? The American Library Association’s latest data shows that librarianship’s whiteness remains virtually unchanged, suggesting that we still have a long way to go to be a truly inclusive field in race and other axes of identity. In this course, participants will build practical skills to positively impact workplace inclusion, from recruitment to retention. With these tools, students will be able to build an equitable employee life cycle—from hiring, to onboarding, to training—and create a safe and inclusive environment for every staff member.
In this class, students will learn how to…
- Design an inclusive hiring process.
- Onboard all staff in a welcoming way.
- Establish equitable human resources policies.
- Confidently approach performance and other difficult conversations with staff.
- Use managerial power to advocate for staff well-being and workplace change.
- Protect and address staff safety.
- Employ and model boundaries as an inclusive practice.
- Create a sense of belonging to improve staff retention.
Course Audience: New or experienced supervisors, managers, and administrators looking to create more inclusive workplaces.
Ray Lockman (they/them) has worked in academic and public libraries in their 12+ year career, most recently at the Minneapolis Central branch of Hennepin County Library (MN). They are currently a consultant, coach, and trainer specializing in diversity, equity, and inclusion.