That’s Fake News! The Library’s Role in Addressing Misinformation in Your Community

When: Oct 2 – Nov 12, 2023 (6 weeks)

Where: Online, asynchronous (see more info)

Cost: $250 (10% discount if you register at least 2 weeks in advance)

CE Credit: 2.0 CEUs/20 LEUs

Program #: 308724


Payment and Cancellation Policy

Questions? Email the CE Team

This course will delve into the differences between fake news, misinformation, and disinformation and why it matters. We’ll also cover how to promote media literacy to your staff and patrons, how to combat misinformation in your community, and how your library can be a force against fake news.

Class lectures and discussions will focus on the role libraries play with regard to fake news. Starting with an understanding of fake news, misinformation, and disinformation, we’ll quickly move to practical applications for the library such as: how to use your collection to combat fake news, how to incorporate programs about fake news, and how to use your library website and social media platforms to distribute accurate information.


  • How to define and identify fake news, misinformation, and disinformation
  • How to promote media literacy
  • Implementing programs about fake news at your library
  • Using your collection to combat fake news
  • The role of the library and library staff in combating fake news


Headshot of SamSam Molzahn is the adult reference and technology librarian at the Franklin Public Library (WI) and earned his MLIS from UW-Milwaukee in 2017. He has taught classes on fake news and media literacy for 5 years and is passionate about creating informed citizens of all ages.