When: Sept 16 – Dec 8, 2024 (12 weeks)
Where: Online & Asynchronous
Cost: $470 (10% off if you register 2 weeks before the start date)
CE Credit: 3.5 CEUs/35 LEUs
Program#: 313625
Registrations for this course are currently reserved for Wisconsin directors seeking grade II or III certification only, who must take this course this fall 2024 in order to maintain certification compliance. Please email ce-info@ischool.wisc.edu for registration details.
Payment and Cancellation Policy
Questions? Email the CE Team
What people are saying…
I really enjoyed this course and I have already been putting the information that I gained to use on the job.
The instructor was extremely responsive.
Service is the heart of libraries. This class will help you create the best possible array of services for your particular community.
You will learn how to assess your users’ needs, evaluate outreach opportunities, and leverage resources to provide superior service at your library. Explore, customer service, programming, reference fundamentals, and using technology to enhance services.
This course is a requirement for the Wisconsin Public Library Director Certification. Wisconsin library directors taking this class are eligible to apply for a certification course scholarship.
- Community and user needs assessment
- Outreach to the community and community building
- Customer service
- Programming
- Readers’ advisory
- Reference interview
- Searching and research strategies
- Evaluating resources
- Legal/ethical issues in reference
- Training for staff and patrons to use resources
- Technology and physical space in service
- Networking with other institutions and professional allies
This course is offered once a year starting in September.
Kristie Hauer is the public library services consultant at Wisconsin Valley Library Service. She’s been working in libraries since 1999, the first five in elementary school libraries and the rest in public libraries. Kristie’s vast experiences and knowledge stem from holding the positions of library assistant, children’s department supervisor, branch manager, and director. Kristie earned her BA in English and Humanistic Studies from UW-Green Bay and MLIS from UW-Milwaukee.